Ignacio (Nacho) Cano

I am mostly known as Nacho and I am currently a Software Engineer at Google, where I work in the Cloud Platform group.
Prior to Google, I completed my PhD in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Arvind Krishnamurthy. During my studies, I worked at the intersection of Systems and Machine Learning, either in designing and building systems to solve large scale machine learning problems (Systems4ML), or applying machine learning techniques to improve systems' performance (ML4Systems).
I also hold a MS (Computer Science) from the University of Washington, and a MEng. and Specialization (Systems) from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional FRC in Argentina. I received my BEng. (Telecommunications) degree from Universidad Blas Pascal, also in Argentina.

Here is my resume (as of November 2021)
You can also find me on: LinkedIn  Github  Google Scholar


Honors & Awards

Graduate Coursework

Machine Learning
